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About us

Welcome to our winery, where tradition and passion intertwine to bring forth great wines since 1982. In our winemaking philosophy, we’ve learned that haste is not a good companion in the art of creating exceptional wines.

We take pride in working the land, knowing every corner of our vineyards, and embracing our work fervently. We believe that the climate of our privileged area provides us with the ideal temperatures to cultivate grapes with character and personality, essential for the creation of unique wines.

Every bottle that leaves our winery is the result of years of dedication, effort, and patience. We understand that time and care are fundamental to obtaining wines that will linger in your memory, with each sip telling the story of our vines.

Our estate spans 45 hectares of vineyards, hosting various grape varieties that reflect the richness of our terroir. We are located in the picturesque Comarca del Medio Vinalopó, in the rural area known as El Mañán, belonging to the historic City of Monóvar, just 40 kilometers from the vibrant city of Alicante.

We invite you to explore our winery and discover the magic that resides in each bottle. Join us on this vinicultural journey, where tradition and quality merge to offer you a unique experience in every glass. Cheers!

Among Vineyards and Dreams